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Wprowadził: Piotr Szawdyński
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[Closure Compiler] Treść pomocy

[artykuł] Pomoc aplikacji konsolowej Closure Compiler.

Wywołanie pomocy Closure Compiler

W celu wywołania pomocy aplikacji Closure Compiler wprowadź w wierszu poleceń następujące polecenie:
java -jar compiler.jar --help

Treść pomocy

--charset VALInput and output charset for all files. By default, we accept UTF-8 as input and output US_ASCII
--compute_phase_orderingRuns the compile job many times, then prints out the best phase ordering from this run
--create_name_map_filesIf true, variable renaming and property renaming map files will be produced as {binary name}_vars_map.out and {binary name}_props_map.out. Note that this flag cannot be used in conjunction with either variable_map_o utput_file or property_map_output_file
--create_source_map VALIf specified, a source map file mapping the generated source files back to the original source file will be output to the specified path. The %outname% placeholder will expand to the name of the output file that the source map corresponds to.
--debugEnable debugging options
--define (--D, -D) VALOverride the value of a variable annotated @define. The format is <name>[=<val>], where <name> is the name of a @define variable and <val> is a boolean, number, or a single-quot ed string that contains no single quotes. If [=<val>] is omitted, the variable is marked true
--externs VALThe file containing javascript externs. You may specify multiple
--formatting [PRETTY_PRINT | PRINT_INP UT_DELIMITER]Specifies which formatting options, if any, should be applied to the output JS. Options: PRETTY_PRINT, PRINT_INPUT_DELIMITER
--helpDisplays this message
--js VALThe javascript filename. You may specify multiple
--js_output_file VALPrimary output filename. If not specified, output is written to stdout
--jscomp_dev_mode (--dev_mode) [OFF | START | START_AND_END | EVERY_PASS]Turns on extra sanity checks
--jscomp_error VALMake the named class of warnings an error. Options:accessControls, checkRegExp,checkTypes, checkVars, deprecated, fileoverviewTags, invalidCasts, missingProperties, nonStandardJsDocs, strictModuleDepChec k, undefinedVars, unknownDefines, visibility
--jscomp_off VALTurn off the named class of warnings. Options:accessControls, checkRegExp,ch eckTypes, checkVars, deprecated, fileoverviewTags, invalidCasts, missingProperties, nonStandardJsDocs, strictModuleDepCheck, undefinedVars, unknownDefines, visibility
--jscomp_warning VALMake the named class of warnings a normal warning. Options:accessControls , checkRegExp,checkTypes, checkVars, deprecated, fileoverviewTags, invalidCasts, missingProperties, nonStandardJsDocs, strictModuleDepChec k, undefinedVars, unknownDefines, visibility
--logging_level VALThe logging level (standard java.util. logging.Level values) for Compiler progress. Does not control errors or warnings for the JavaScript code under compilation
--manage_closure_dependenciesAutomatically sort dependencies so that a file that goog.provides symbol X will always come before a file that goog.requires symbol X. If an input provides symbols, and those symbols are never required, then that input will not be included in the compilatio n.
--module VALA javascript module specification. The format is <name>:<num-js-files>[:[ <dep>,...][:]]]. Module names must be unique. Each dep is the name of a module that this module depends on. Modules must be listed in dependency order, and js source files must be listed in the corresponding order. Where --module flags occur in relation to --js flags is unimportant
--module_output_path_prefix VALPrefix for filenames of compiled js modules. <module-name>.js will be appended to this prefix. Directories will be created as needed. Use with --module
--module_wrapper VALAn output wrapper for a javascript module (optional). The format is <name>:<wrapper>. The module name must correspond with a module specified using --module. The wrapper must contain %s as the code placeholde r
--output_manifest VALPrints out a list of all the files in the compilation. If --manage_closure_d ependencies is on, this will not include files that got dropped because they were not required. The %outname% placeholder expands to the js output file. If you're using modularization, using %outname% will create a manifest for each module.
--output_wrapper VALInterpolate output into this string at the place denoted by the marker token %output%. See --output_wrapper_m arker
--output_wrapper_marker VALUse this token as output marker in the value of --output_wrapper
--print_astPrints a dot file describing the internal abstract syntax tree and exits
--print_pass_graphPrints a dot file describing the passes that will get run and exits
--print_treePrints out the parse tree and exits
--process_closure_primitivesProcesses built-ins from the Closure library, such as goog.require(), goog.provide(), and goog.exportSymbol( )
--property_map_input_file VALFile containing the serialized version of the property renaming map produced by a previous compilation
--property_map_output_file VALFile where the serialized version of the property renaming map produced should be saved
--summary_detail_level NControls how detailed the compilation summary is. Values: 0 (never print summary), 1 (print summary only if there are errors or warnings), 2 (print summary if type checking is on, see --check_types), 3 (always print summary). The default level is 1
--third_partyCheck source validity but do not enforce Closure style rules and conventions
--use_only_custom_externsSpecifies whether the default externs should be excluded
--variable_map_input_file VALFile containing the serialized version of the variable renaming map produced by a previous compilation
--variable_map_output_file VALFile where the serialized version of the variable renaming map produced should be saved
--versionPrints the compiler version to stderr.
--warning_level [QUIET | DEFAULT | VERBOSE]Specifies the warning level to use. Options: QUIET, DEFAULT, VERBOSE