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[DevC++] Błąd: "undefined reference to `GetPixel@12'"

Ostatnio zmodyfikowano 2007-11-01 08:53
Autor Wiadomość
Temat założony przez niniejszego użytkownika
[DevC++] Błąd: "undefined reference to `GetPixel@12'"
» 2007-10-31 13:55:27
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>

typedef struct _PLAYER_DATA {
    DWORD baseadd[ 1 ]; // base address of this current player
    DWORD hp[ 1 ];
    DWORD hpa;
    DWORD hpmax[ 1 ];
    DWORD hpmaxa;
    DWORD mp[ 1 ];
    DWORD mpa;
    DWORD endu[ 1 ];
    DWORD endua;
    DWORD baseaddar1[ 1 ]; //fleches pointer 1
    DWORD baseaddar2[ 2 ]; //fleches pointer 2
    DWORD arrowa1; //adresse des fleches
    DWORD arrowa2;
    int arrownb1;
    int arrownb2;
    char name[ 15 ]; // Holds the current players name
    DWORD namea; // The address of the current players name

bool typedef int;
int fight;
bool debug = 0;
HANDLE hProcess;
HWND hrfo;

void CheckMP();
void CheckHP();
void CheckMOB();
int GetPidByName( char * nom );
PLAYER_DATA GetMyPlayerData();
void PrintMyPlayerData( PLAYER_DATA myp );

void CheckMP()
    int j;
    j =[ 0 ];
    if( j <= 35 )
        keybd_event( VK_F9, 0, 0, 0 );
        keybd_event( VK_F9, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 );

void CheckHP()
    int j;
    j = myp.hp[ 0 ];
    if( j <= 900 )
        keybd_event( VK_F8, 0, 0, 0 );
        keybd_event( VK_F8, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 );

void CheckMOB()
    COLORREF mob = 3239810;
    COLORREF col;
    HDC wdc;
    POINT pt;
    BYTE red, blue, green;
    GetCursorPos( & pt );
    wdc = GetDC( hrfo );
    col = GetPixel( wdc,( pt.x + 4 ),( pt.y - 8 ) );
    if( col == mob )
        printf( "[+]Couleur detectee...\n" );
        SetCursorPos( pt.x, pt.y );
        keybd_event( VK_LBUTTON, 0, 0, 0 );
        keybd_event( VK_LBUTTON, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 );
    } else
        printf( "[*]Couleur sous le curseur: %d\n", col );
        red = GetRValue( col );
        printf( "red: %d\t", red );
        blue = GetBValue( col );
        printf( "blue: %d\t", blue );
        green = GetGValue( col );
        printf( "green: %d\n", green );
    ReleaseDC( hrfo, wdc );

int GetPidByName( char * nom )
    HINSTANCE hLib; // Chargement de la DLL
    PROCESSENTRY32 PEntry; // Informations sur les processus Win32
    HANDLE hTool32; // Snapshot des processus
    // Type des fonctions
    HANDLE( WINAPI * pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot )( DWORD, DWORD );
    BOOL( WINAPI * pProcess32First )( HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32 );
    BOOL( WINAPI * pProcess32Next )( HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32 );
    //Functions addresses :
    pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot =( HANDLE( WINAPI * )( DWORD, DWORD ) ) GetProcAddress( LoadLibrary( "kernel32.dll" ), "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" );
    pProcess32First =( BOOL( WINAPI * )( HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32 ) ) GetProcAddress( LoadLibrary( "kernel32.dll" ), "Process32First" );
    pProcess32Next =( BOOL( WINAPI * )( HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32 ) ) GetProcAddress( LoadLibrary( "kernel32.dll" ), "Process32Next" );
    // On fixe la taille de la structure avant utilisation
    PEntry.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 );
    // On crée notre snapshot ( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS : inclu la liste des processus Win32 )
    hTool32 = pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );
    // On récupere le premier processus
    pProcess32First( hTool32, & PEntry );
    // Si le nom correspond, on retourne le PID ( Processus IDentifiant )
    if( !strcmp( PEntry.szExeFile, nom ) )
         return PEntry.th32ProcessID;
    // Sinon, on teste les processus suivants
    while( pProcess32Next( hTool32, & PEntry ) )
    if( !strcmp( PEntry.szExeFile, nom ) )
         return PEntry.th32ProcessID;
    // Sinon, on a rien trouvé, on retourne 0
    return 0;

PLAYER_DATA GetMyPlayerData( HANDLE hProcess )
    DWORD mBase = 0x00B3745C; //pointer
    DWORD mBasear1 = 0x08F8E008;
    DWORD mBasear2 = 0x0903F900;
    PLAYER_DATA Player; // Create a blank PLAYER_DATA struct
    ZeroMemory( & Player, sizeof( PLAYER_DATA ) ); // Initiate it all to 0
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess,( LPCVOID ) mBase,( LPVOID ) Player.baseadd, 4, NULL ); // Get our players Base Address from the pointer
    //ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID)mBasear1, (LPVOID)Player.baseaddar1, 4, NULL);
    //ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID)mBasear2, (LPVOID)Player.baseaddar2, 4, NULL);
    Player.mpa = Player.baseadd[ 0 ] + 0x4AFC;
    Player.hpa = Player.baseadd[ 0 ] + 0x4AEC;
    Player.hpmaxa = Player.baseadd[ 0 ] + 0x4AE8;
    Player.endua = Player.baseadd[ 0 ] + 0x4B0C;
    Player.namea = Player.baseadd[ 0 ] + 0x10;
    //Player.arrowa1 = Player.baseaddar1[0] + 0x1C;
    //Player.arrowa2 = Player.baseaddar2[0] + 0x1C;
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess,( LPCVOID ) Player.mpa,( LPVOID ), 4, NULL ); // Now we got all the addies, read in the info from em all
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess,( LPCVOID ) Player.hpa,( LPVOID ) Player.hp, 4, NULL );
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess,( LPCVOID ) Player.hpmaxa,( LPVOID ) Player.hpmax, 4, NULL );
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess,( LPCVOID ) Player.endua,( LPVOID ) Player.endu, 4, NULL );
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess,( LPCVOID ) Player.namea,( LPVOID ), 15, NULL );
    //ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID)Player.arrowa1, (LPVOID)Player.arrownb1, 4, NULL);
    //ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID)Player.arrowa2, (LPVOID)Player.arrownb2, 4, NULL);
    return Player; // Give our PLAYER_DATA Player, as the return value

void PrintMyPlayerData( PLAYER_DATA myp )
    printf( "[*]hp: %d/%d\n", myp.hp[ 0 ], myp.hpmax[ 0 ] );
    printf( "[*]mp: %d\n",[ 0 ] );
    printf( "[*]endu: %d\n", myp.endu[ 0 ] );
    printf( "[*]name: %s\n", );
    //printf("[*]fleches slot 1: %d\n", myp.arrownb1);
    //printf("[*]fleches slot 2: %d\n", myp.arrownb2);

int main()
    //int i,j;
    DWORD pid;
    pid =( DWORD ) GetPidByName( "RF_Online.bin" );
    printf( "[*]Recuperation du Handle sur le processus...\n" );
    //changer le pid ds cette fonction et changer les 2 adresses ds checkmp et checkhp
    hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, pid );
    if( hProcess == NULL )
        printf( "[-]Ouverture du processus impossible...\n" );
        hrfo = FindWindow( NULL, "RF Online" );
        if( hrfo == NULL )
            printf( "[-]Impossible de trouver le handle de la fenetre!\n" );
        printf( "[*]le handle de la fenetre de Rf Online est : 0x%X\n", hrfo );
        myp = GetMyPlayerData( hProcess );
        PrintMyPlayerData( myp );
        while( 1 == 1 )
            Sleep( 400 );
            system( "cls" );
            myp = GetMyPlayerData( hProcess );
            PrintMyPlayerData( myp );
Mam problem z tym kodem, mógłby ktoś go naprawić?
» 2007-10-31 17:25:53
Usunięcie tego wiersza:
bool typedef int;
umożliwia skompilowanie projektu. Otrzymasz błąd:
[Linker error] undefined reference to `GetPixel@12'
w związku z tym do linkera musisz jeszcze dodać plik:
Temat założony przez niniejszego użytkownika
» 2007-10-31 18:36:02
O_o, u mnie w devie wychodzi zupełnie co innego mógł bys podać mi dokładniejsze insturkcje lub skopiowac caly kod? Przepraszam z klopoty.
Poprawny kod
» 2007-10-31 18:50:43
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>

typedef struct _PLAYER_DATA {
    DWORD baseadd[ 1 ]; // base address of this current player
    DWORD hp[ 1 ];
    DWORD hpa;
    DWORD hpmax[ 1 ];
    DWORD hpmaxa;
    DWORD mp[ 1 ];
    DWORD mpa;
    DWORD endu[ 1 ];
    DWORD endua;
    DWORD baseaddar1[ 1 ]; //fleches pointer 1
    DWORD baseaddar2[ 2 ]; //fleches pointer 2
    DWORD arrowa1; //adresse des fleches
    DWORD arrowa2;
    int arrownb1;
    int arrownb2;
    char name[ 15 ]; // Holds the current players name
    DWORD namea; // The address of the current players name

int fight;
bool debug = 0;
HANDLE hProcess;
HWND hrfo;

void CheckMP();
void CheckHP();
void CheckMOB();
int GetPidByName( char * nom );
PLAYER_DATA GetMyPlayerData();
void PrintMyPlayerData( PLAYER_DATA myp );

void CheckMP()
    int j;
    j =[ 0 ];
    if( j <= 35 )
        keybd_event( VK_F9, 0, 0, 0 );
        keybd_event( VK_F9, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 );

void CheckHP()
    int j;
    j = myp.hp[ 0 ];
    if( j <= 900 )
        keybd_event( VK_F8, 0, 0, 0 );
        keybd_event( VK_F8, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 );

void CheckMOB()
    COLORREF mob = 3239810;
    COLORREF col;
    HDC wdc;
    POINT pt;
    BYTE red, blue, green;
    GetCursorPos( & pt );
    wdc = GetDC( hrfo );
    col = GetPixel( wdc,( pt.x + 4 ),( pt.y - 8 ) );
    if( col == mob )
        printf( "[+]Couleur detectee...\n" );
        SetCursorPos( pt.x, pt.y );
        keybd_event( VK_LBUTTON, 0, 0, 0 );
        keybd_event( VK_LBUTTON, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 );
    } else
        printf( "[*]Couleur sous le curseur: %d\n", col );
        red = GetRValue( col );
        printf( "red: %d\t", red );
        blue = GetBValue( col );
        printf( "blue: %d\t", blue );
        green = GetGValue( col );
        printf( "green: %d\n", green );
    ReleaseDC( hrfo, wdc );

int GetPidByName( char * nom )
    HINSTANCE hLib; // Chargement de la DLL
    PROCESSENTRY32 PEntry; // Informations sur les processus Win32
    HANDLE hTool32; // Snapshot des processus
    // Type des fonctions
    HANDLE( WINAPI * pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot )( DWORD, DWORD );
    BOOL( WINAPI * pProcess32First )( HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32 );
    BOOL( WINAPI * pProcess32Next )( HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32 );
    //Functions addresses :
    pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot =( HANDLE( WINAPI * )( DWORD, DWORD ) ) GetProcAddress( LoadLibrary( "kernel32.dll" ), "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" );
    pProcess32First =( BOOL( WINAPI * )( HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32 ) ) GetProcAddress( LoadLibrary( "kernel32.dll" ), "Process32First" );
    pProcess32Next =( BOOL( WINAPI * )( HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32 ) ) GetProcAddress( LoadLibrary( "kernel32.dll" ), "Process32Next" );
    // On fixe la taille de la structure avant utilisation
    PEntry.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 );
    // On crée notre snapshot ( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS : inclu la liste des processus Win32 )
    hTool32 = pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );
    // On récupere le premier processus
    pProcess32First( hTool32, & PEntry );
    // Si le nom correspond, on retourne le PID ( Processus IDentifiant )
    if( !strcmp( PEntry.szExeFile, nom ) )
         return PEntry.th32ProcessID;
    // Sinon, on teste les processus suivants
    while( pProcess32Next( hTool32, & PEntry ) )
    if( !strcmp( PEntry.szExeFile, nom ) )
         return PEntry.th32ProcessID;
    // Sinon, on a rien trouvé, on retourne 0
    return 0;

PLAYER_DATA GetMyPlayerData( HANDLE hProcess )
    DWORD mBase = 0x00B3745C; //pointer
    DWORD mBasear1 = 0x08F8E008;
    DWORD mBasear2 = 0x0903F900;
    PLAYER_DATA Player; // Create a blank PLAYER_DATA struct
    ZeroMemory( & Player, sizeof( PLAYER_DATA ) ); // Initiate it all to 0
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess,( LPCVOID ) mBase,( LPVOID ) Player.baseadd, 4, NULL ); // Get our players Base Address from the pointer
    //ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID)mBasear1, (LPVOID)Player.baseaddar1, 4, NULL);
    //ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID)mBasear2, (LPVOID)Player.baseaddar2, 4, NULL);
    Player.mpa = Player.baseadd[ 0 ] + 0x4AFC;
    Player.hpa = Player.baseadd[ 0 ] + 0x4AEC;
    Player.hpmaxa = Player.baseadd[ 0 ] + 0x4AE8;
    Player.endua = Player.baseadd[ 0 ] + 0x4B0C;
    Player.namea = Player.baseadd[ 0 ] + 0x10;
    //Player.arrowa1 = Player.baseaddar1[0] + 0x1C;
    //Player.arrowa2 = Player.baseaddar2[0] + 0x1C;
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess,( LPCVOID ) Player.mpa,( LPVOID ), 4, NULL ); // Now we got all the addies, read in the info from em all
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess,( LPCVOID ) Player.hpa,( LPVOID ) Player.hp, 4, NULL );
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess,( LPCVOID ) Player.hpmaxa,( LPVOID ) Player.hpmax, 4, NULL );
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess,( LPCVOID ) Player.endua,( LPVOID ) Player.endu, 4, NULL );
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess,( LPCVOID ) Player.namea,( LPVOID ), 15, NULL );
    //ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID)Player.arrowa1, (LPVOID)Player.arrownb1, 4, NULL);
    //ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID)Player.arrowa2, (LPVOID)Player.arrownb2, 4, NULL);
    return Player; // Give our PLAYER_DATA Player, as the return value

void PrintMyPlayerData( PLAYER_DATA myp )
    printf( "[*]hp: %d/%d\n", myp.hp[ 0 ], myp.hpmax[ 0 ] );
    printf( "[*]mp: %d\n",[ 0 ] );
    printf( "[*]endu: %d\n", myp.endu[ 0 ] );
    printf( "[*]name: %s\n", );
    //printf("[*]fleches slot 1: %d\n", myp.arrownb1);
    //printf("[*]fleches slot 2: %d\n", myp.arrownb2);

int main()
    //int i,j;
    DWORD pid;
    pid =( DWORD ) GetPidByName( "RF_Online.bin" );
    printf( "[*]Recuperation du Handle sur le processus...\n" );
    //changer le pid ds cette fonction et changer les 2 adresses ds checkmp et checkhp
    hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, pid );
    if( hProcess == NULL )
        printf( "[-]Ouverture du processus impossible...\n" );
        hrfo = FindWindow( NULL, "RF Online" );
        if( hrfo == NULL )
            printf( "[-]Impossible de trouver le handle de la fenetre!\n" );
        printf( "[*]le handle de la fenetre de Rf Online est : 0x%X\n", hrfo );
        myp = GetMyPlayerData( hProcess );
        PrintMyPlayerData( myp );
        while( 1 == 1 )
            Sleep( 400 );
            system( "cls" );
            myp = GetMyPlayerData( hProcess );
            PrintMyPlayerData( myp );
Temat założony przez niniejszego użytkownika
» 2007-10-31 19:01:27
gdzie i jak musze tego linkera dac? dzieki z gory.
» 2007-10-31 19:07:44
Rozdział: XXVI. Dev-C++, a projekty
Pozycja: 26.4.2
Temat założony przez niniejszego użytkownika
» 2007-11-01 08:53:41
Wielkie dzieki, mam nadzieje ze programik sie przyda.
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