farethh Temat założony przez niniejszego użytkownika |
C++ SFML" no appropriate default constructor available" » 2022-05-30 21:18:53 Witam Visual Studio wypisuje takie błędy: 1. Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2512 'Fruit': no appropriate default constructor available SFML D:\Programowanie\C++\VIsual Studio Projekty\SFML\5 Snake\Projekt\Game.cpp 40 2. Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error (active) E0291 no default constructor exists for class "Fruit" SFML D:\Programowanie\C++\VIsual Studio Projekty\SFML\5 Snake\Projekt\Game.cpp 40 3.Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Message see declaration of 'Fruit' SFML D:\Programowanie\C++\VIsual Studio Projekty\SFML\5 Snake\Projekt\Fruit.h 10 main. cpp #include <iostream> #include <ctime>
#include "Game.h"
int main() { srand( static_cast < unsigned >( time( NULL ) ) ); Game game; while( game.running() ) { game.update(); game.render(); } return 0; }
Fruit.h #pragma once
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> #include <SFML/System.hpp> #include <SFML/Window.hpp> #include <SFML/Audio.hpp> #include <SFML/Network.hpp> #include <iostream>
class Fruit { private: sf::Texture textureFruit; sf::Sprite snakeFruit; void initTexture(); public: Fruit( const sf::RenderWindow & window ); virtual ~Fruit(); const sf::Sprite getSprite() const; void randFruitPosition( const sf::RenderWindow & window ); void update(); void render( sf::RenderTarget * target ); };
Fruit.cpp #include "Fruit.h"
void Fruit::initTexture() { if( !textureFruit.loadFromFile( "fruit.png" ) ) { std::cout << "Tekstura nie zaladowala sie"; } this->snakeFruit.setTexture( textureFruit ); }
void Fruit::randFruitPosition( const sf::RenderWindow & window ) { int x = window.getSize().x - this->snakeFruit.getGlobalBounds().width; int y = window.getSize().y - this->snakeFruit.getGlobalBounds().height; this->snakeFruit.setPosition( sf::Vector2f( static_cast < float >( rand() % x ), static_cast < float >( rand() % y ) ) ); }
Fruit::Fruit( const sf::RenderWindow & window ) { this->initTexture(); this->randFruitPosition( window ); }
Fruit::~Fruit() { }
const sf::Sprite Fruit::getSprite() const { return this->snakeFruit; }
void Fruit::update() { }
void Fruit::render( sf::RenderTarget * target ) { target->draw( this->snakeFruit ); }
Snake.h #pragma once
#include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <vector> #include <sstream>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> #include <SFML/System.hpp> #include <SFML/Window.hpp> #include <SFML/Audio.hpp> #include <SFML/Network.hpp>
class Snake { private: sf::Texture textureHead; sf::Sprite snakeHead; sf::Texture textureTail; sf::Sprite snakeTail; float movementSpeed; int taiLenght; enum class direction { left, right, up, down }; direction dir = direction::right; void initVariables(); void initTexture(); public: Snake( float x = 400.f, float y = 300.f ); virtual ~Snake(); const sf::Sprite getSprite() const; void updateInput(); void updateWindowBoundsCollision( const sf::RenderTarget * target ); void update( const sf::RenderTarget * target ); void render( sf::RenderTarget * target ); };
Snake.cpp #include "Snake.h"
void Snake::initVariables() { this->movementSpeed = 5.f; this->snakeHead.setOrigin( snakeHead.getLocalBounds().width / 2, snakeHead.getLocalBounds().height / 2 ); this->taiLenght = 0.f; }
void Snake::initTexture() { if( !textureHead.loadFromFile( "head.png" ) || !textureTail.loadFromFile( "tail.png" ) ) std::cout << "Tekstura nie zaladowala sie"; this->snakeHead.setTexture( textureHead ); this->snakeTail.setTexture( textureTail ); }
Snake::Snake( float x, float y ) { this->snakeHead.setPosition( x, y ); this->initTexture(); this->initVariables(); }
Snake::~Snake() { }
const sf::Sprite Snake::getSprite() const { return this->snakeHead; }
void Snake::updateInput() { if( sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( sf::Keyboard::A ) && this->dir != direction::right ) { if( dir == direction::up ) this->snakeHead.rotate( - 90.f ); else if( dir == direction::down ) this->snakeHead.rotate( 90.f ); this->dir = direction::left; } if( sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( sf::Keyboard::D ) && this->dir != direction::left ) { if( dir == direction::up ) this->snakeHead.rotate( 90.f ); else if( dir == direction::down ) this->snakeHead.rotate( - 90.f ); this->dir = direction::right; } if( sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( sf::Keyboard::W ) && this->dir != direction::down ) { if( dir == direction::right ) this->snakeHead.rotate( - 90.f ); else if( dir == direction::left ) this->snakeHead.rotate( 90.f ); this->dir = direction::up; } if( sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( sf::Keyboard::S ) && this->dir != direction::up ) { if( dir == direction::right ) this->snakeHead.rotate( 90.f ); else if( dir == direction::left ) this->snakeHead.rotate( - 90.f ); this->dir = direction::down; } switch( dir ) { case direction::left: this->snakeHead.move( - this->movementSpeed, 0.f ); break; case direction::right: this->snakeHead.move( this->movementSpeed, 0.f ); break; case direction::up: this->snakeHead.move( - 0.f, - this->movementSpeed ); break; case direction::down: this->snakeHead.move( - 0.f, this->movementSpeed ); break; } }
void Snake::updateWindowBoundsCollision( const sf::RenderTarget * target ) { if( this->snakeHead.getGlobalBounds().left <= 0.f ) { this->snakeHead.setPosition( target->getSize().x - this->snakeHead.getGlobalBounds().width, this->snakeHead.getGlobalBounds().top ); this->snakeHead.move( 0.f, 16.f ); } if( this->snakeHead.getGlobalBounds().left + this->snakeHead.getGlobalBounds().width >= 800 ) { this->snakeHead.setPosition( 17.f, this->snakeHead.getGlobalBounds().top ); this->snakeHead.move( 0.f, 16.f ); } if( this->snakeHead.getGlobalBounds().top <= 0.f ) { this->snakeHead.setPosition( this->snakeHead.getGlobalBounds().left, target->getSize().y - this->snakeHead.getGlobalBounds().height ); this->snakeHead.move( 16.f, 0.f ); } if( this->snakeHead.getGlobalBounds().top + this->snakeHead.getGlobalBounds().height >= target->getSize().y ) { this->snakeHead.setPosition( this->snakeHead.getGlobalBounds().left, 17.f ); this->snakeHead.move( 16.f, 0.f ); } }
void Snake::update( const sf::RenderTarget * target ) { this->updateInput(); this->updateWindowBoundsCollision( target ); }
void Snake::render( sf::RenderTarget * target ) { target->draw( this->snakeHead ); }
Game.h #pragma once
#include "Snake.h" #include "Fruit.h"
class Game { private: sf::VideoMode videoMode; sf::RenderWindow * window; sf::Event sfmlEvent; bool endGame; Snake snake; Fruit fruit; int points = 0; sf::Font font; sf::Text guiText; sf::Text endGameText; void initWindow(); void initVariables(); void initFonts(); void initText(); public: Game(); ~Game(); const bool & getEndGame() const; const bool running() const; void pollEvents(); void spawnFruit( const sf::RenderWindow & window ); void updatePlayer(); void updateCollison(); void updateGui(); void update(); void renderGui( sf::RenderTarget * target ); void render(); };
Game.cpp #include "Game.h"
void Game::initWindow() { this->videoMode = sf::VideoMode( 800, 600 ); this->window = new sf::RenderWindow( this->videoMode, "GAME 2", sf::Style::Close | sf::Style::Titlebar ); this->window->setFramerateLimit( 60 ); this->points = 0; }
void Game::initVariables() { this->endGame = false; }
void Game::initFonts() { if( !this->font.loadFromFile( "Minecraft.ttf" ) ) { std::cout << "Nie udalo wczytac sie czcionki"; } }
void Game::initText() { this->guiText.setFont( this->font ); this->guiText.setFillColor( sf::Color::White ); this->guiText.setCharacterSize( 26 ); this->endGameText.setFont( this->font ); this->endGameText.setFillColor( sf::Color::Red ); this->endGameText.setCharacterSize( 60 ); this->endGameText.setPosition( sf::Vector2f( 165, 250 ) ); this->endGameText.setString( "YOU ARE DEAD" ); }
Game::Game() { this->initWindow(); this->initVariables(); this->initFonts(); this->initText(); }
Game::~Game() { delete this->window; }
const bool & Game::getEndGame() const { return this->endGame; }
const bool Game::running() const { return this->window->isOpen() ; }
void Game::pollEvents() { while( this->window->pollEvent( this->sfmlEvent ) ) { switch( this->sfmlEvent.type ) { case sf::Event::Closed: this->window->close(); break; case sf::Event::KeyPressed: if( this->sfmlEvent.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape ) this->window->close(); break; } } }
void Game::spawnFruit( const sf::RenderWindow & window ) { this->fruit.randFruitPosition( window ); }
void Game::updatePlayer() { this->snake.update( this->window ); }
void Game::updateCollison() { if( this->snake.getSprite().getGlobalBounds().intersects( this->fruit.getSprite().getGlobalBounds() ) ) { this->points++; this->fruit.randFruitPosition( * this->window ); } }
void Game::updateGui() { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Points " << this->points << "\n"; this->guiText.setString( ss.str() ); }
void Game::update() { this->pollEvents(); if( this->endGame == false ) { this->spawnFruit( * this->window ); this->updatePlayer(); this->updateCollison(); this->updateGui(); } }
void Game::renderGui( sf::RenderTarget * target ) { target->draw( this->guiText ); }
void Game::render() { this->window->clear(); this->snake.render( this->window ); this->fruit.render( this->window ); this->renderGui( this->window ); if( this->endGame ) { this->window->clear( sf::Color::Black ); this->window->draw( this->endGameText ); } this->window->display(); }
pekfos |
» 2022-05-30 22:36:49 Fruit nie ma domyślnego konstruktora. Musisz wywołać konstruktor Fruit w konstruktorze Game.
Niepotrzebnie piszesz wszędzie this->. |
farethh Temat założony przez niniejszego użytkownika |
» 2022-06-05 23:54:58 A jak przykładowo mógłbym go zrobić? |
DejaVu |
» 2022-06-06 09:34:19 |
farethh Temat założony przez niniejszego użytkownika |
» 2022-06-09 16:13:09 Przeczytałem cały artykuł i nadal nie ograniam co mam zrobić |
pekfos |
» 2022-06-09 18:24:44 Chodzi o ten zapis gdzie w konstruktorze po dwukropku inicjalizujesz pola w klasie. Gdy typ pola klasy ma konstruktory z parametrami, to jest jedyny sposób na wywołanie konstruktora innego niż domyślny. W tym wypadku: Game::Game() : videoMode( 800, 600 ) , window( new sf::RenderWindow( this->videoMode, "GAME 2", sf::Style::Close | sf::Style::Titlebar ) ) , fruit( * window ) { this->initWindow(); this->initVariables(); this->initFonts(); this->initText(); } Pola klasy są tworzone w kolejności w jakiej są zdefiniowane z definicji klasy. W tym wypadku kolejność masz poprawną. Okno trzeba też utworzyć w tym miejscu, by istniało w momencie tworzenia fruit. W przeciwnym razie window byłoby jeszcze niezainicjalizowanym wskaźnikiem. Na dobrą sprawę randFruitPosition() mogłeś nie wywoływać w konstruktorze, wtedy nie byłoby problemu z przekazywaniem tam obiektu okna. |
farethh Temat założony przez niniejszego użytkownika |
» 2022-06-09 18:58:39 Dobra, wielkie dzięki za pomoc. Errory z konstrukotrem zniknęły, ale niestety pojawiły się inne:
Game.h 15 linia:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C3646 'fruit': unknown override specifier SFML D:\Programowanie\C++\VIsual Studio Projekty\SFML\5 Snake\Projekt\Game.h 15
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C4430 missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int SFML D:\Programowanie\C++\VIsual Studio Projekty\SFML\5 Snake\Projekt\Game.h 15
wiecie jak to naprawic? |
pekfos |
» 2022-06-09 20:12:52 Jak wygląda kod we wskazanym miejscu? |
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